Easy Japanese Dorayaki Recipe at Home

japanese dorayaki recipe
Dorayaki is one of the typical japanese food, this food is a favorite food by Doraemon which is a Japanese animated film, cake is very popular and this food many people who love it.

In general Japanese Dorayaki cake has a texture and flavor that is not much different from pancakes. this food is now sold in many outlets and much in love by the community, its soft texture and sweet taste is a factor that much in love by the community. if you want to make it at home certainly not difficult, you just have to prepare the ingredients below and follow the way, and here is a chocolate-filled Dorayaki that I share, here is Easy Japanese Dorayaki Recipe at Home.

Japanese Dorayaki ingredients

150 grams of wheat flour
2 medium size chicken eggs
½ tablespoon baking powder
50 ml of liquid milk
½ teaspoon of salt
100 grams of sugar
Brown butter or dark cooking melted chocolate as stuffing stuff

How to make Japanese Dorayaki

  1. Shake the first chicken and granulated chicken by mixer until fluffy and smooth.
  2. Then enter the liquid milk little by little while stirring it continuously
  3. Next add the flour, baking powder and salt into it, then shake it until it expands and turn off the mixer.
  4. Then prepare a sticky griddle pan for grilling, and the pan spread with butter.
  5. Enter about 1 tablespoon of Japanese Dorayaki skin, cook this ingredients until the bottom turns brownish.
  6. Turn the dough to the same on the other side, cook about 30 - 45 seconds then lift.
  7. On repeat continue to cook Dorayaki skin until the dough runs out
  8. Then spread brown peanut butter on one side of Dorayaki Japanese skin, then stack it with another skin. and our Dorayaki cake is ready to be enjoyed with the family.

How to make it very easy you just keep preparing the materials and practice the way in your home. How do you feel about Easy Japanese Dorayaki Recipe at Home, this is perfect for a family meal plus a cup of tea or coffee.

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