Traditional Pancake, Pajeon Recipe

Traditional Pancake
Pajeon is a typical South Korean food, this food is a kind of traditional pancake. Pajeon usually in though with a variety of ingredients in it, ranging from meat, seafood and vegetables. By making this we will be able to easily eat vegetables, of course make this food easy, and the ingredients we use are easy to get.

The ingredients to make Pajeon

1 carrot, cut into matches
1 egg
4 pieces of chicory, finely sliced
1 tablespoon ground chilli, can be replaced with 2 or 3 red pepper in the puree
6 tablespoons of wheat flour
2 cloves of garlic, puree
1 spring onion, finely chopped
1 onion, finely chopped
Salt, sugar, and pepper to taste
5 tablespoons of cooking oil
1 cup water

How to Make Pajeon

  1. Pour water into a medium-sized bowl. Put the contents of the egg into it, then beat well.
  2. Then add the chilli milled and stir until the color is red, then put the flour, stir well until nothing is clot.
  3. Add salt, pepper to taste and sugar into it
  4. Then add vegetables, leeks, onions and garlic into the dough, stirring until completely flat.
  5. Heat the oil in a sticky griddle, then pour 1 tablespoon of dough, spread it all over the pan
  6. Once the bottom is cooked or has turned brownish, turn Pajeon and cook until all the brownish color changes, repeat this in the next dough.
  7. Pajeon ready to serve

We have finished making Pajeon, it is suitable to be used as an addition to your dining table and hopefully your family likes this food.

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